Saturday, June 9, 2012


As part of the BOX-11 series, I was invited to show some of my new work in a show entitled Encore. This show is being held in the WalterFedy building as was my last exhibition entitled CAPTURED. I was excited as well as a little apprehensive about this show as I had decided to show some of the work from my nude and body art projects. I had no idea how this work was going to be received especially since it would be on display in a corporate environment in a relatively conservative community.

I need not have worried. My work is of a sufficiently abstract nature that it should give offence only to the most sensitive (or prudish?) of people. In fact, I sold a couple of my pieces almost immediately.

For this work I found that printing using normal (even though high quality) ink jet, giclée inks was not quite the quality I was after. Doing a bit of research I found the piezographic print process would provide the best quality images showing the intensity of black that I needed. The piezographic process prints images using eight (or more) ink cartridges of the purest black carbon inks available. The tonal range offered by this process is breathtaking.

I was especially pleased that so many people enjoyed my work. The comments and praise has been very encouraging.

But probably the most encouraging, inspiring comment I received was from a woman who asked if I would use her as a model for images of this style hoping that she might then be able to hang one of them in her home.

I am always on the lookout for other potential models for my work. If you or anyone you know might be interested in modelling for me, please get in touch. I would be very pleased to work with you to create an image that suits you. (If you think your body might not be appropriate for this style of modelling, please be aware my models have ranged in age from mid 20's through late 40's. I am sure I can create something that pleases you :) ).

More of my work can be found on Flickr in my Nudes/Body Art set.